Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break

With limited finances and the ever awaited midwest games during the summer, I had to spend spring break bumming around watching movies and playing soccer in the university itself. Went to pittsburgh (3hours away)for a day and loved it. Pittsburgh is an old but beautiful and amazing city filled with steel bridges and old structures. University of Pittsburgh (1787) is one of the oldest university in US. Their buildings and the interior looks alot like those buildings in 'Harry Potter'. The Steelers/Panthers stadium is another must see site in Pittsburgh. Got myself a drumstick from Hard Rock Cafe Pittsburgh. I drove back the whole way making it the first time driving long distance in the States. It wasnt as bad as I thought it would have been, but the fog troughout Altoona made it a lil harder. Besides travelling to Pittsburgh, we played alot of poker and I guess im an addict now. Some of my friends from University of Tulsa visited us here and those were the best 2 days of spring break.


Anonymous said...

you're addicted to poker!That's great! You know what, sitting here in Australia I myself managed to learn a few things about poker. So if i come down in june, then i we'll have a game, just for fun.....hehe...ok see u simret.


A little window to my world said...

hey simret!! hows the us been?? more importantly how r ya?
and no i didnt say "i love you" to anyone on valentines day(besides paremts,family,friends,my crazy dogs.....=P) so hope to see ya real soon!

PS r u coming down anytime soon? cos i think i jus missed ur last trip...:)